Juliana Castaño Olivares

Juliana Castaño Olivares

Juliana Castaño Olivares


Absolvovaný ateliér
Ateliér volného umění II - program v anglickém jazyce Visual Arts 

Diplomová práce
The Whisper of the Jungle: Sensory Memories of an Amazonian Childhood
My project is a deeply personal exploration of the relationship between the senses and memory, anchored in the rich sensory experiences of my childhood in Florencia, Colombia. I created an installation that consists of nine ceramic pieces containing field recordings from my hometown. These ceramics, inspired by the vases in my parents' house and marked with clay from Florencia, serve as containers of memory. The installation invites viewers to navigate an immersive environment that evokes different sensations and emotions, allowing them to connect with their own sensory experiences and emphasizing the enduring power of sensory memories in shaping our perception of the world.

Co mi škola dala?
The opportunity to meet and interact with people from different parts of the world and to hear opinions and points of view different from my own. Also, the variety of workshops that allowed me to explore different fields and contributed to the development of my artwork.  

Co chci v budoucnu dělat?
In the near future I want to continue exploring the world of ceramics and implement it in my personal projects.


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