Visual Arts Ph.D. - more information about the programme

Study programme: Visual Arts
Specialisation: no specialisation
Standard length of study: 4 years
Mode of study: full-time or combined
Course of study: according to an individual study plan under the guidance of a supervising lecturer and a consultant from the Department of Theory and History of Art (KTDU); the programme and modes of the theoretical part of the study are arranged individually for students with regard to the focus of their projects
Field of study: Art
Profile: academic
Completion of study: state doctoral examination, doctoral thesis defence
Degree to be awarded: Doctor (Ph.D.)

Programme code: P0213D310006

Language of instruction: English

Doctoral studies in the Visual Arts programme in English are four years long and can be completed by full-time or combined learning mode according to an individual curriculum. This level of study is intended for master’s graduates and leads to independent creative, research or scientific work.

Subject-Area Board

prof. Otakar Karlas (Head) 
doc. ak. mal. Josef Ťapťuch
prof. ak. arch. Imrich Vaško
prof. ak. arch. Jiří Pelcl
MgA. Jan Čumlivski, Ph.D.
MgA. Sláva Sobotovičová, Ph.D.
doc. akad. soch. Anna Daučíková
doc. MgA. Tomáš Vaněk
doc. MgA. Dušan Zahoranský
MgA. Marcela Steinbachová, Ph.D.
MgA. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.

Contact: Iva Henault (


The aim of the doctoral studies is to provide the tools and skills to enable the graduates not only to develop their artistic creation in an innovative way at a high qualitative level, but also to connect it with artistic or artistic and technological research; to think about it from a distant perspective; and to formulate the inclusion of their artistic creation in contemporary artistic as well as theoretical contexts.

The emphasis of the studies is on artistic research, i.e. research focused on practice and its implementation in practice. During their studies, students are engaged in artistic creation and individual production, focusing not only on the creative act itself, but also learning to reflect on their own work, generalize and share their own experiences of the artistic process. Therefore, it is not only about reaching special knowledge, except for the topics focused on specific technological issues of artistic production in the field.

The doctoral thesis consists of two fully equivalent and mutually supportive parts: the artistic (artistic-technological) realization and the text. Thus, within the framework of their fields of study, the students are able to move their work to qualitatively higher levels and at the same time to carry out artistic (artistic-technological) research, contribute to the formation of professional discourse and also teach.

The doctoral thesis topics are formulated quite broadly and individual proposals from applicants are welcomed. In addition to foreign stays and excursions, the Academy also supports the Student Grant Competition, which contributes to postgraduate research needs, including foreign study trips, without unnecessary administration.

The uniqueness of the graduates of doctoral studies at UMPRUM lies in the interdisciplinarity of the school, which, based on a long tradition, extends the acquired competences, knowledge and skills. In addition, another unique part of this interdisciplinary environment at the highest professional level is the well-established system of close cooperation between art doctoral students and their consultants from the Department of Theory and History of Art (KTDU).


Education in the Visual Arts study programme takes place in the following departments:

Fine Arts
Applied Arts


The fee for one semester of studies in the doctoral programme in English is 89 000 CZK (in academic year 2024/2025). Scholarship in support of studies in a doctoral degree programme are not awarded to students in foreign language programme.

Contents of studies

Doctoral studies are designed as a four-year programme, so the curriculum is divided into eight semesters.

The curriculum is based on a creative relationship between the supervisor and the student. A specific feature of UMPRUM is the active involvement of consultants from the Department of Theory and History of Art (KTDU) throughout the study, allowing the doctoral thesis to consist of equal parts in terms of practice and theory.

In addition to compulsory subjects, students can take optional subjects, such as the social skills module (presentation skills, lectures and consultations within soft and business skills as well as copyright) and the pedagogical module.

The study programme is implemented according to an individual study plan, which, in addition to the compulsory subjects, consists of:

  1. artistic work on the project;
  2. theoretical work on the dissertation text;
  3. other activities (participation in the preparation for external lectures, workshops, presentations, exhibitions, etc. + exhibition and publication activities, participation in artistic research projects or the development of functional designs/models according to their relevance in the individual fields and specialisations).

The artistic work is carried out in the usual way under the guidance of the studio supervisor and pedagogical and organizational activities are carried out in cooperation with him/her as well. Exhibition and publication activities are mainly independent. Joint theoretical teaching is carried out by the KTDU and it focuses on the strengthening of study competences (understanding of difficult texts, including texts in foreign languages, skills in presenting one's own work and the ability to formulate and elaborate one's own text) and mainly takes the form of seminars/exercises. It is complemented by theoretical lectures to help better orientation in the art world and understanding of its functioning (museology and curating, art market, wider social context).

During the course of their studies, students should also complete an internship abroad, optimally for one term, and actively participate in learning (workshop) with a foreign teacher. This is an annual several-day long intensive meeting with renowned personalities in the field of history and theory of art, design or architecture, conveying intellectual incentives from other than local contexts and strengthening the ability to communicate and critically reflect.

The study also includes active participation in the committees for comprehensive and diploma examinations and state final examinations of students of art and architecture; and consultation with art students on textual parts of their bachelor theses.

Exhibition and publication activities or other partial outcomes related to doctoral research are compulsory and are continuously consulted with a supervisor and in cooperation with a consultant. The student presents the results of their doctoral studies annually in front of a committee at the doctoral colloquium.

Further information about doctoral studies at UMPRUM can be found on the website Centre for Doctoral Studies