Coact, Coexist, Colaborate

How to look at the current global geopolitical-ecological situation? What role can architecture play in understanding the challenges we face? What needs to be reconsidered according to young architects and how to react? Five projects from five different countries offer ways how to rediscover our relationship with the environment, where architecture mediates the principles of coexistence and cooperation between people, the environment, architecture, and technology.

Coact, Coexist, Colaborate

3. 6.–9. 7. 2022
opening: June 2, 2022, at 6 pm

Gallery UM, UMPRUM, nám. Jana Palacha 80, Praha 1
open Mon-Sat 10 am - 6 pm, free entry


“The exhibition Coexist, Coact, Collaborate is the result of architectural research that has the ambition to open up space for discussion and reassessment of society. It introduces a new type of landscape in which the individual elements function as part of a living system. Rather than form, it focuses on the relationships between heterogeneous elements in time and space, and their impact on the global situation," says the project curator and head of the Studio of Architecture III, prof. Imrich Vaško has been dealing with this issue for a long time.

There will be projects exhibited not only from UMPRUM but also from Austria, Germany, France, and Turkey. They focus on air and water quality, but also on the perception of planet Earth or digitization and the associated questioning of today's world.

Veronika Miškovičová from the Academy of Arts, Architecture, and Design in Prague with project Exchange Tools examines how we can connect and reconstruct aquatic ecosystems. Thanks to technological principles the glass structures form a kind of ecosystem in which the constant growth of microalgae absorbs carbon dioxide from the surrounding environment and at the same time produces the oxygen we need.

The project The Organ of Embodiment by Adam Hudec, a doctoral student at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, also examines microscopic processes that are hidden from our senses. This simple bioplastic structure creates an intimate environment without any microscopic life thanks to the filtration of indoor air through the nano fabric. Breathing therapy inside space provides an awareness of what it means to be human.

Air quality is also being researched by the Storytelling Bio. Curtain project by Terézie Grešková at the University of Innsbruck. The project is a bio-digital installation, created in collaboration with the innovative London company ecoLogicStudio, which presents algal membrane technologies. Its uniqueness lies in research into how photosynthetic architecture affects not only our experience but also how we feel. It records the experiences we take with us, it is using air quality sensors, and also documents the visitor's emotional response to a story called Cyber Yoga.

The projects Yelta Köm Recession: Circular Symphony and Milky way 2021 of the u2p050 group focus on the perception of the world. Yelta Köm from the Delft University of Technology deals with watching the world and the interconnectedness of people, which consists not only of the originally established structures of cities but also invisible digital networks. Her video installation monitors, records, and captures new connections.

The u2p050 group also deals with the problem of digitization. Six young creators are exploring thought experiments that open the way to questioning our current world and growing digitization. In their perspective, the machine becomes a wide-open telescope.

The exhibition Coexist, Coact, Collaborate is a continuation of the ten-year ambitions of the Architecture III Studio of the Academy of Arts, Architecture, and Design in Prague to present the latest trends in international architectural research.


Exhibitors: Veronika Miškovičová, Adam Hudec, Yelta Köm, Terézia Grešková, u2p050.
Curator: Imrich Vaško.
Exhibition architecture: Imrich Vaško, Veronika Miškovičová.
Production: Veronika Miškovičová, Šárka Váňová.
Graphics: Permanent Office.
Partners: UMPRUM, Capital City of Prague, Institute of Microbiology AS CR - Algatech Center, Kavalier, SIMAX, University of Innsbruck, photoSynthEtica, ecoLogicStudio, Dust Institute, Respilon, Versus Art Project, Cyril and Methodius University in Trnava - Faculty of Natural Sciences, LT Industry, Architects Šebo Lichý, ITB Development.