Nahuel Gerth
Absolvovaný ateliér
Ateliér grafického designu a vizuální komunikace - program v anglickém jazyce Visual Arts
Diplomová práce
Tellerrand is a mixed reality environment for learning and exploring designed for homeschooling and classrooms. It focuses on visualising the history of our universe with playful cardboard modules. The puzzle pieces can be combined exploratively and each launch augmented reality content with interactive narration.
Co mi škola dala?
UMPRUM has a unique mix of interdisciplinary studios. I enjoyed the enriching exchange between all these different fields. Each studio has only a very limited number of students and all semesters mix in one class. This allows for a very intimate and individual learning experience. Also the heavy theoretical input and the deep dive into Czech design culture was vitalising and refreshing.
Co chci v budoucnu dělat?
UMPRUM gave me the opportunity to explore a new direction of graphic design – making knowledge accessible with visual communication. My goal is to apply this approach in a larger scale for museums and scientific institutions.