Gottfried Müller - Inventing History: Architecture Between Imagination and Real Life

Ateliér Architektury IV Vysoké školy uměleckoprůmyslové v Praze zve na přednášku "Inventing History: Architecture Between Imagination and Real Life" umělce a profesora na Technické univerzitě v Dortmundu Gottfrieda Müllera.

Gottfried Müller - Inventing History: Architecture Between Imagination and Real Life

2. 10. 2024

od 18 hodin

Technologické centrum UMPRUM, Mikulandská 5, Praha 1

kinosál, 3. patro


Přednáška se koná v angličtině/The lecture will be held in english


Gottfried Müller, Artist, author and Professor for architectural design at the Technical University Dortmund, loves to falsify documentations: His old-fashioned drawings and "historic" plans, combined with bizarre narrations, suggest inspiring historical incidents that never have happened. The humorous stories about buildings and their biography examine the complicated relations between architecture and the absurdity of life.