Application process and other FAQ
What is the MA Program in English program?
The Visual Arts program is a two-year master's degree course in English _ three-year course across Architecture studios_ which combines practical studio-based seminars and workshops with theoretical lectures on art theory and history. 24 UMPRUM studios are open to VA students as areas of focus.
1. Architecture I 2. Architecture II 3. Architecture III 4. Architecture IV
5. Ceramics and Porcelain 6. Concept - Object - Meaning 7. Fashion and Footwear Design 8. Fashion Design 9. Glass 10. Textile Design
11. Animation and Film 12. Graphic Design and Visual Communication 13. Graphic Design and New Media 14. Illustration and Graphics 15. Photography II 16. Type Design and Typography 17. Studio of Design and Digital Technology
18. Interior and Furniture Design 19. Industrial Design 20. Product Design
21. Studio of Fine Arts I 22. Studio of Fine Arts II 23. Studio of Fine Arts III 24. Studio of Fine Arts IV
What are the admission requirements for the MA program in English?
To be accepted into the MA program in English, you need to have:
- a BA degree in fine arts and related technical disciplines (when applying for architecture, a BA in architecture is a condition)
- a high standard of work submitted in the applicant's portfolio
- a basic knowledge of Art History and Aesthetics
- a good command of English - mininum English level: B2 (CEFR) / 6.0 (IELTS), FCE (CE)
What are the conditions of admission to the MA program in English?
Candidates can be nominated for admission to the master´s degre program in English if they succeed in the admission procedure, which is a two-round process without personal attendance.
First round
Apart from considering applicants´ motivation to study in particular studios, the level of English attained (B2 and higher) and other application documents, the VA admission committee assesses the quality of candidates´ portfolios by giving them a score ranging from 12 – 0 points.
Applicants can be nominated to advance to the second round of the admission process only if they earn at least 9 points (and more). Those candidates whose score is 8 – 0 did not succeed in the admission procedure in the first round of the admission process, cannot advance to the second round and cannot be nominated for acceptance to the master´s program in English.
Second round
The second round includes an online interview and (not necessarily) an additional assignment from the heads of the studio the candidate applied for. To be nominated for admission to the master´s degree program, the applicant has to gain at least 15 points in the second round of the admission process (15 - 24 points; max. 12 points for the portfolio/ sometimes additional project + max. 12 points for the online interview). Candidates whose score is 14 and lower cannot be nominated for admission to the master´s degree program.
The person who finally decides on the admission to the master´s degre program Visuals Arts is the rector of the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague.
The number of students that can be admitted to the MA program in English in every UMPRUM studio is 3 students (there are 24 studios at UMPRUM, i.e. max. capacity is 24 x 3 students). Applicants who gain 15 and more points in the second round of the admission process are admitted to studies according to the score they gain, e.g. if there are five candidates who earned 15 and more points in Graphic Design and Visuall Communication Studio, only three of them who earned the highest score will be nominated for acceptance in the studio.
The capacity of UMPRUM studios does not have to be filled.
How can I apply for the MA program?
When applying for the MA Program in English, your application must contain the following documents.
- your CV with relevant information about your professional history
- a letter of intent – at least 1 page in English
- a portfolio containing your own pieces of work related to the area of studies selected - at least 10 examples
- a recommendation letter
- copies of your BA diploma and Diploma Supplement/Transcript of Records translated to English (after being accepted, it is necessary to apply for a nostrification, i.e. recognition of your university studies in the Czech Republic by recognition authorities; for more info on the process, contact the VA Coordinator)
- proof of your capability of studying in English (attested true copies of certificates; mininum language level: B2 (CEFR) / 6.0 (IELTS), FCE (CE))
- filled in application form
You can submit a digital application, i.e. to e-mail the VA Coordinator ( a link to your application folder (with all the documents stated above) on your google disc (the folder should be "share with everybody who has the link"). It´s also possible to mail the application to the VA Coordinator (address: UMPRUM, Namesti Jana Palacha 80, Prague 1, 116 93, Czech Republic); however, we are not able to send you your application back once the application process has been completed.
When is the deadline?
All applications must be submitted by May 15th.
We start accepting applications from March 1st.
All applicants will be sent a written notification with the decision signed by the rector by the mid of July.
Unfortunately, we are not able to send portfolios (those that were mailed to us as hardcopies) back to the applicants. Not even at their own expenses.
Do I have to come in person to apply?
The application should be sent digitally to the VA Coordinator - you can email a link to your application folder (that you share on your google disc with everybody who has the link) to Coming to Prague in person is not required.
How much is the MA degree program per semester?
89 000 CZK (approx. 3700€) per semester
there are four semesters in a two-year program (6 semesters in a three-year Architecture program).
Which degree will I gain?
The degree you will receive is MgA. (Magister Artis in Latin) which is equivalent to MA, MFA, and MLitt. You will also receive a Diploma Supplement which will state which studio you studied in and which VA subjects you passed.
The program is a two-year course accross all studios with the exception of Architecture; it´s a three-year proram in Architecture studios.
How long will I study?
2 years (4 semesters); 3 years in Architecture Studios (6 semesters)
When will I learn if I was accepted or not?
All applicants will be sent a written notification and an email with the decision by the end of June. Applicants admitted to the master´s degree program become UMPRUM students after their enrollment, which takes place in mid September. Academic year usually starts the first week of October.