Apply for MA Program in English

Application proces 

Your master´s degree program application must contain the following documents:

  • your CV with relevant information about your professional history
  • a letter of intent – at least 1 page in English
  • a portfolio containing your own pieces of work related to the area of studies selected - at least 10 examples
  • a recommendation letter
  • copies of your BA diploma and Diploma Supplement/Transcript of Records translated to English (after being accepted, it is necessary to apply for a nostrification, i.e. recognition of your university studies in the Czech Republic by recognition authorities; for more info on the process, contact the VA Coordinator)  
  • proof of your capability of studying in English, i.e. a language certificate (attested true copies of certificates; mininum language level: B2 (CEFR) / 6.0 (IELTS), FCE (CE))
  • filled in application form 

You can submit a digital application, i.e. to e-mail the VA Coordinator ( a link to your application folder (with all the documents stated above) on your google disc (the folder should be "share with everybody who has the link"). There´s no need to come to the Academy in person; the selection is done based on your application.



Applications must be submitted by May 15st.

We start accepting applications from 1st March.

Tuition fee

89 000 CZK per semester (approx. 3500 EUR)

(there are four semesters in total within the two-year program; six semesters in a three-year architecture program)


Hana Smělá
+420 251 098 119