ECTS stands for European Credit Transfer System. ECTS was developed by the European Commission in order to facilitate curriculum compatibility for study abroad. ECTS is based on the principle of mutual trust and confidence between the participating institutions and it should facilitate academic recognition. Learning Agreement including transcript of records is a basic document used for ECTS transfer.
ECTS credits are a numerical value (1-60) allocated to course units to describe the student workload and an importance of a subject in a curricula. 60 ECTS credits represent a full academic year of study at undergraduate level and 30 ECTS credits normally represents one semester. 1 ECTS credit equals 1 credit at UMPRUM. If your home institution has adopted the ECTS scheme, the ECTS credits you earn at UMPRUM are transferable to your home institution. Credit system is completed by grades as follows: 1-excellent, 2- very good, 3- good, 4-insufficient.
Work in a studio is the core of study at UMPRUM, especially for international students. It can be supplemented by optional courses for international students, by lectures and practical exercises, individual projects agreed with the teachers.
Basic ECTS/UMPRUM credits and grades can be obtained for studio work and final semestral work (so called klausura). Main evaluation criteria are active participation in classes, creative solution of the given project, and quality of the presented work. Studio work (main course) is compulsory while all other courses are optional.