First Steps at UMPRUM

Welcome session

International students are invited to participate in the welcome session which usually takes place a few days before the semester starts. They receive general information on the study at UMPRUM, the offer of courses for international students, the credit system at UMPRUM. The students are registered and obtain a confirmation for public transport card and a confirmation of study at UMPRUM. They also receive login credentials to access UMPRUM systems.

The “buddy for everybody” is introduced to the students to provide them with practical guidance and personal help.

International students' rights/responsibilities

International students accepted for studies at UMPRUM are entitled to benefit from the same student advantages as local students, i.e.  to receive a student transport card, to cater in students’ canteens, to have student discounts in museums and galleries, to use equipment in UMPRUM studios, workshops and other premises. They should, however, respect safety rules and technical staff´s instructions.  Students may make full use of the library and the computer centres as well photocopying services.

More detailed operating rules are handed out to students during the welcome session.

Students' facilities


Students enrolled in UMPRUM may use a number of workshops. Use of workshops has to be consulted with technical staff.


An important part of the school is the library (main building, room 112, 1st floor). It is intended mainly for UMPRUM teachers and students but the collection of fifty thousand books, catalogues and periodicals is also available to general public for on-spot reading and copying. The library is at your disposal with its original and electronic catalogue and several computers.

IT services

Technical support is provided by IT team in both UMPRUM building - main building at nám. Jana Palacha (room 409, 4th floor), technology building Mikulandská (room 207, 2nd floor). Print and computer room is located in the main building (room 409). Free WI-FI is available in the school premises.