Photography II
The Studio of Photography II offers the chance to develop the possibilities of the photographic medium and to work with it within an interdisciplinary context. Besides an emphasis on technical skills in the field of applied photography and on interacting with other studios, we make room for the individual choice of subject matter, with a preference for topics that transcend the individual, that could act as an impulse for identity-building and the search for one’s own personal style, and that offer a path to understanding the world around us. We collaborate with guest experts from different fields, promote students’ sensitivity, and encourage taking a critical look at current events. There is value in having one’s own vision: the photographer as a camera operator is always an easily replaced link in the chain, while the photographer as an artist with a vision, as someone who inspires those around them and takes risks instead of engaging in pragmatic conformism, will be continue to be a sought-after partner in the future. We support the idea that, at school, students should have the chance to learn how to take an independent look at the world today.
nám. J. Palacha 80, 116 93 Praha 1
MgA. Alena Kotzmannová, Ph.D.
MgA. Karin Zadrick
MgA. Vojtěch Votýpka, DiS.

PHOTO / ARTIST / BOOK | The most exciting recent photo books from the Central and Eastern Europe region

BIG THING - UMPRUM's school-wide exhibition will be presented as part of Brussels Design September