Legraci po práci

28. 3. 2025 from 5 to 10 p.m.
Tukan, Klíšská 3391/35, Ústí nad Labem


International students of the Visual Arts MA programme at UMPRUM are organising a one-day exhibition of their works. Their project "Fun After Work" reflects on the history of the Tukan theater, this one-night exhibition seeks to explore the relationship between work and recreation through the use of installation, animation, and film.

The exhibition is part of the accompanying program of the Domov project organized by the House of Arts in Ústí nad Labem.

Legraci po práci

Curatorial team:
Caroline Bergwinkl (DE)
Anna Neumann (DE)
Alexandra Verzier (FR)
Iines Kaipanen (FI)
Zeynep Çamli (TR)
Anna Lorenz (AT)
Elena Ciolino (IT)
Viktoriia Naumuk (UA)
Valenka Rosario Jaramillo Redhead (PE)

Production team:
Markéta Müllerová (CZ)
Conrad Eric Armstrong (US)
Hana Smělá (CZ)

Design & illustration:
Viktoriia Naumuk (UA)
Anna Lorenz (AT)

Exhibiting artists:
Lars Oliver Sveinsson (IS)
Mobina Tajik (IR)
Caroline Bergwinkl (DE)
Fuyu Yeh (TW)
Anna Neumann (DE)
Alexandra Verzier (FR)
Tara Attarzadeh (IR)
Iines Kaipanen (FI)
Ho-Pui Prescott Law (HK)
Sophie Lebow (US)
Zeynep Çamli (TR)
Anna Lorenz (AT)
Peng-Hsiung Hsu (TW)
Elena Ciolino (IT)
Viktoriia Naumuk (UA)