Signs of Causality (2009–2012) was part of Ondřej Přibyl's dissertation project at the Department of Graphic Arts and Visual Communication at UMPRUM in Prague. The doctoral research project focused on the investigation of the uniqueness and reproduction of the photographic image and the process of daguerreotype. It consisted of the mastery of the historical photographic process of the daguerreotype and the possibilities of transposing this technological method with a specific visuality into contemporary photographic work.
What was the most important during your Ph.D. studies and practical outcomes? How does Ondřej Přibyl look back on his doctoral years at UMPRUM? On the occasion of the opening of the new Ph.D. programme at UMPRUM in English, we are publishing an interview with Ondřej Přibyl by art historian Lada Hubatová-Vacková: