16. 6.–21. 6. 2023
UMPRUM, nám. Jana Palacha 80, Prague 1
Opening: June, 15th 2023 at 7 pm, UMPRUM, nám. Jana Palacha 80, Prague 1, courtyard
Opening programme: Fashion performance by the Studio of Fashion and Footwear Design and the Studio of Fashion Design in cooperation with the Dance Conservatory of the Capital City of Prague.
open daily 10 am – 6 pm, Free entry
ARTSEMESTR Summer 2023 is here! UMPRUM will once again open the doors of its studios and will present final and semester works in a school-wide exhibition. The distinctive designs of students across the departments of architecture, design, applied arts, graphic arts and fine arts will be on display for just under a week.
The opening will be inaugurated by the rector of UMPRUM Jindřich Vybíral on Thursday 15 June at 7 pm. If the weather is good, he will be joined by the director of the dance conservatory Jaroslav Slavický, and in the inner courtyard of the main building on Jana Palacha Square in Prague they will present a dance performance by students of the conservatory, who will present fragments of fashion designs from the Studio of Fashion and Footwear Design and the Studio of Fashion Design.
The summer ARTSEMESTR allows not only those interested in studying to convey the atmosphere of UMPRUM - The Academy of Arts, Architecture, and Design in Prague, which is ranked in the international QS World University Rankings among the 6th-10th best art schools in the world. This summer's theme of collaboration permeates across the studios and touches the non-academic world in the studios' collaborations with the private sector.
The Studio of Illustration and Graphics together with the Studio of Type Design and Typography collaborated on the book publications Kalevala, Gargantua and Pantagruel, Two Little Savages and The Wonderful Wizard of OZ. Creative connections were also made between the Studio of Photography II and the Studio of Ceramics and Porcelain, when the series of ceramic tableware "Nose to Table" took on a whole new dimension. The Studio of Industrial Design tested the current possibilities of artificial intelligence. In their assignment, the students compared their own kitchen design with a design using artificial intelligence. The K.O.V. studio will present a new jewellery collection for the First Lady and the President of the Czech Republic, with an emphasis on wearability, dignity and symbolism and significance of the office of the President. The Studio of Graphic Design and New Media delved into the waters of marketing and will present merchandise campaign designs for the distribution company Aerofilms.
The exhibition will be on display in the main building on nám. Jana Palacha and can be visited until Wednesday June 21st.
Studios and themes
Studio of Architecture I / Jan Šépka, as. Miloslava Gulbisová: Winery - proposal of a specific typology for a specific locality in Žalhostice near Litoměřice" // final project: Winery - model 1:20 in cross-section.
Studio of Architecture II / Eva Franch and Gilabert, as. Alžběta P. Brůhová, as. Kateřina Vídenová: Future Architectures PRACTICE, OFFICE, WORK - challenging the dominant models of contemporary architectural production. An analysis of the history of architectural offices in relation to other contemporary forms of collective creative practice. Redefining the systems, protocols and spaces for architectural production and finding new ways of working in architecture // final project: developing the semester theme - "architectural offices of the future" through the example of the designer's 1:1 scale physical equipment, the production of a book or film and accompanying events.
Studio of Architecture III / Imrich Vaško, as. Shota Tsikoliya: A series of short assignments on the topic: My Bespoke AI, Robinson Chairs, Mycelium Landscapes // final project: development of the semester topic.
Studio of Architecture IV / Roman Brychta, as. Markéta Mráčková, as. Barbora Šimonová: Archive of Fine Arts - Searching for a place and form of a functional and open institution of the Archive of Fine Arts, which archives printed materials and information on art of the 20th and 21st centuries, operates as a study room, a library and provides exhibitions and lectures // final project: depository for artists - a depository and its location for a selected artist.
Studio of Industrial Design / Ivan Dlabač, as. Vlastimil Bartas: 1st year - clay sculptures expressing two contradictory emotions, 2nd year - mechanism - manipulation arm, 5th year - project for Jablotron and cooperation with 2nd year // final project: design of kitchen equipment in cooperation with artificial intelligence.
Studio of Furniture and Interior Design / Roman Vrtiška, Vladimír Žák, as. Petr Hák: Game-Air / Air Movement - a functional prototype of a game using airflow.
Product Design Studio / Michal Froněk, Jan Němeček, as. Michal Malášek: Inner child – Object of Desire / Toys for Kids.
Studio of Fine Arts I / Zuzana Jakalová, Dominik Lang: Fragile forms, resilient forms - an interdisciplinary exploration of the vulnerability and fragility in art. The main result was a public symposium at the PLATO Gallery in Ostrava. // final project: joint departmental project - exhibition on the theme Common Ground.
Studio of Fine Arts II / Jiří Černický, as. Michal Novotný: Performance / Komerce-trh // final project: joint departmental project - exhibition on the theme Common Ground: inland
Studio of Fine Arts III / Michal Pěchouček, Dominik Gajarský: Link / Connection - sharing, empathy, artistic study as dialogue // final project: joint departmental project - exhibition on the theme Common Ground: inland.
Studio of Fine Arts IV / Aleksandra Vajd, Martin Kohout: "How to" - practical and technical issues of creating mapping of available resources, mutual sharing // final project: joint departmental project - exhibition on Common Ground: inland.
Visting Artist Studio / Sláva Sobotovičová, Özlem Altin (guest artist): Draw a Map to Get Lost. The Topography of Relating to the World as a Landscape. Elasticity of Body and Time. // final project: joint departmental project - exhibition on the theme Common Ground: inland
Studio of Glass / Rony Plesl, as. Klára Horáčková: The art object in architecture - research and the problem of the artist's entry into the architectural space as a whole. Designing works that grow through space and are not just decorative accessories // final project : Object in space, space through object - linking to semester assignment. Emphasis on experimentation, searching for unusual principles in connection with space, combination and treatment of less used disparate materials in a specific studio space.
Studio of Ceramics and Porcelain/ Milan Pekař, as. Tereza Sluková: Production of ceramic tiles for the wall of the Technology Building; 2nd year - porcelain sculpture of an animal; Cooperation with Atelier of Photography II to shoot the project Nose to the Table! // final project: Make your life better - reflections of the ideas of artists thinking about the emotional dimension of the production of applied art.
Studio of Concept – Object – Meaning (K.O.V.) / Eva Eisler, as. Martin Papcún: Time Capsule - What should future people know about us or what do we want to tell them? Capturing responses to global challenges from different perspectives // final project: jewellery for the First Lady or for Mr President - wearable, dignified jewellery with a symbolic message.
Studio of Fashion Design / Miroslav Sabo, as. Monika Krobová: REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE (not to be exhibited) // final project: all the colours of Porsche - the connection between fashion and cars, the inspiration of colours in the visual of the 75th anniversary of the Porsche brand and themes related to automotive and the world of machines. An open theme allowing for critical reflection.
Studio of Fashion and Footwear Design / Liběna Rochová, as. Vojtěch Novotný: How to build a professional fashion brand – to build a clothing brand targeted at a selected range of potential customers, taking into account sustainability - the result is a collection with a developed visual identity, accessories and price list.
Studio of Textile Design / Jitka Škopová, as. Anna Leschingerová: Safe space - how we perceive safety and what identifies it in a space and how these feelings translate into architecture. And what role textile design plays in this. Perceptions of the relationship of textiles in architecture yesterday and today, the psychology of colour. // final project: builds on the semester assignment.
Studio of Illustration and Graphics / Juraj Horváth, as. Michaela Kukovičová: Collaboration of illustrators and typographers to create a book edition of a classic literary text: the Kalevala, the Golem, Gargantua and Pantagruel, Two Little Savages, The Chattertooth Eleven, The Wonderful Wizard of OZ // final project: graphics based on semester experience with the text or its own theme.
Studio of Type Design and Typography / Filip Kraus, as. Jan Čumlivski: Gottlieb Haase und Söhne and the Literary Sources of Modernity // final project: Conference: Gottlieb Haase und Söhne.
Studio of Graphic Design and Visual Communications / Petr Krejzek, as. Richard Jaroš: School magazine - complete preparation of the UMPRUM magazine including content // final project: followed the semester assignment.
Studio of Film and TV Graphics / Jan Drozda, as. Jakub Zich, as. Zuzana Bukovinská: Formation of own music band, creation of a song, video clip and accompanying material (poster, carrier, documentary video) and finally a live concert // final project: finalisation of semester assignment
Studio of Graphic Design and New Media / Petr Babák, as. Lukáš Kijonka, as. Martin Ponec: In design we trust, in marketing we trust – relationship between design and marketing // final project: merchandise for Aeroilms The topic of the final project is the preparation of a merchandise campaign for the distribution company Aerofilms.
Studio of Photography II / Alena Kotzmannová, as. Tomáš Souček: What's for dinner? - cooperation with the Studio of Ceramics and Porcelain. The theme is deliberately wide open. The result is an original photographic zine and a large-format photograph intended for public space.
Studio of Design and Digital Technologies / Jan Netušil, as. Jiří Hölzel: Identity of the studio's online channel. AI and data transformation // final project: the theme of Substitutability in relation to humans and human corporeality in the context of current digital technologies.
Visual Arts – Continuing Master's programme in English / Restitution - a reflection on the topic. Part of the works will be installed in the exhibition in Villa P651.