OPEN CALL Beyond (Design) Frontiers

Borders as challenges
Borders as territories for resistance
Borders as liminal zones
Borders as crossing the dichotomies (between nature x culture, between design x fine art)
Borders as a social, cultural and political construct
Borders in the geopolitical sense
Borders of European countries
Borders as opening onto the other sphere
Borders as categorisation systems

Borders as frontiers


The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (UMPRUM) is accepting applications in an open call for the upcoming exhibition Beyond (Design) Frontiers, taking place from the 13th of December until the 4th of February at Galerie UM in Prague. The showcase will present creative practices by students from the hosting institution alongside Elisava in Barcelona, Konstfack in Stockholm, and Design Academy Eindhoven.

OPEN CALL Beyond (Design) Frontiers

Despite different locales, these institutions share a strong emphasis on design in expanded field(s)—as part of the wider—ecological, social, cultural, planetary—infrastructure. However, this expansion suggests limits and frontiers which designers might face when developing their practice—hence, borders are the overarching leitmotif of the Prague exhibition and of this open call.

Borders are everywhere, even when we might not notice them straight away—we are used to crossing them seamlessly or balancing on their edges. Other times, we encounter borders that are insurmountable. We are used to their omnipresence—whether we think about borders in a literal or in a more abstract way, as suggested above.

A particularly complex border lies between the dichotomy of nature and culture, as contemporary design increasingly involves organic, biodegradable, or sustainable materials, raising ethical questions about their use. Similarly, certain objects can challenge the line between design and fine art practices by serving both functional and aesthetic purposes. All these borders, and many more, shall be examined in the exhibition Beyond (Design) Frontiers.



Deadline for applications: 16th of October 2024

Transport of artworks: November
Installation: 9th December - 11th December

Opening of the exhibition: 12th of December

Exhibition open: 13th of December 2024 - 4th of February 2025


  • Name of the artist/designer
  • Programme of study + institution
  • Their contact details
  • Title of their work
  • Material
  • Dimensions
  • Synopsis (max 100 words)



  • How does the object and/or chosen design practice relate to the theme of borders?
  • Would you be able to come to Prague to help with the installation (travel costs will not be covered by the hosting institution)?
  • If you would come to Prague for the opening, would you be interested in partaking in a workshop sharing various design practices with others?

All above shall be sent in a single PDF, no later than the 16th of October to Agáta Hošnová, the curator and coordinator of the exhibition:


Agáta Hošnová, UMPRUM: