Title: Women in Architecture
Subtitle: Critical Studies and Gender Analyses of the Czech Architectural Setting after 1945
Original title: Ženy v architektuře
Original subtitle: Kritické studie a genderové analýzy českého architektonického prostředí po roce 1945
Book language: Czech-English edition
Editors: Klára Brůhová, Helena Huber-Doudová
Designed by: Formall – Bára Kočí, Gabriel Fragner, Jan Forejt
Publishers: UMPRUM, National Gallery in Prague
ISBN: 978-80-88622-10-9
Selling price: 1.100 CZK
Binding: V8
Formate: 170 x 240 mm
Number of pages: 416
The publication presents the topic of women in architecture in the second half of the 20th century from the point of view of architectural history, as well as in an interdisciplinary context from the perspective of sociology, general history and gender studies. It focuses on the circumstances of the practice and education of women architects, the interconnection of professional and family life, as well as the reflection and recognition of the work of women architects and the principles of the historiography of the field viewed through a gender perspective. The book's expert studies are complemented by an annotated pictorial appendix, which presents a wide range of works and activities of women active in the architectural sphere - from project and design work through research, theoretical, historiographic, curatorial or pedagogical work to criticism and promotion of architecture. The publication also includes a list of surnames of women whose creative careers have been touched by our research. Its purpose is to draw attention to the theme of the transformation of female surnames making the process of attribution more difficult. At the same time, this list is an important tool for tracing the continuity of the work of the women creators mentioned. Klára Brůhová and Helena Huber-Doudová are the editors of the publication and the researchers of this extensive research project, which includes an open web database www.zenyvarchitekture.cz. Petra Hlaváčková, Karina Hoření, Šárka Malošíková, Denisa Nečasová, Mary Pepchinski, Barbora Řepková, Barbora Vacková and Nikola Zahrádková also contributed to the content of the book.