Mgr. Veronika Hittmanová Rollová Ph.D.
Classification / Function
Research Interests
art, architecture and design of Central East Europe in 20th Century in broader political context
Selected papers are available at
History of Design of the 1st Half of the 20th Century (Seminar)
History of Design of the 2nd Half of the 20th Century (Seminar)
History of Czech and Slovak Art Institutions (Seminar)
Team Project
Research Grants
- 2023–2027 research project "Sites of Creativity. Arts and Crafts Education: Constructing Identities, Rescuing Heritage, Designing the Future" granted to UMPRUM by Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic in the NAKI III Programme (DH23P03OVV061; focused on arts and crafts and design education after 1945, with J. Lomová)
- 2025–2029 research project "Czechs and the Colonial World: Design and Visual Culture since 1848" granted to Masaryk University in Brno by the Czech Science Foundation ( GAČR EXPRO, GX25-15630X)
- 2018–2022 research project "Architecture and Czech Politics" (team meber, head of section „Architecture 1945–1989“) granted to UMPRUM by Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic in the NAKI II Programme
- 2016 UMPRUM student grant – research trip to Munich, London and Warsaw
- 2013–2015 research project "Architecture and Czech Politics" granted to UMPRUM by Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic in the NAKI II Programme (team member)
Monographs and Edited Books
- (with Karolina Jirkalová) The Future is Hidden in the Present. Architecture and Czech politics 1945–1989, Praha 2021.
- (with Cyril Říha) Art and Evolution. A Festschrift for Jindřich Vybíral, Praha 2020.
- Pražský hrad na cestě ke komunistické utopii (1948–1968), Praha 2019.
- CONTACT. International Symposium of Ceramics Bechyně 1966−2018, Praha 2019.
Chapters in Books and Journal Articles in English
- An Elite Place for the Masses. Prague Castle and its Role in the Legitimisation of Socialist Rule in Czechoslovakia (1948–1968), in: Agnieszka Chmielewska − Irena Kossowska − Marcin Lachowski (eds.), State Construction and Art in East Central Europe, 1918–2018, London 2022, pp. 260–267.
- "Subcarpathian Ruthenia (25)", in: Cyril Říha (ed.), Architecture and Czech Politics from the 19th to the 21st Centuries (exhibition catalogue), Praha 2022, pp. 165–167.
- "National Defence (30)", in: Cyril Říha (ed.), Architecture and Czech Politics from the 19th to the 21st Centuries (exhibition catalogue), Praha 2022, pp. 195–197.
- Escape into Nature. Free Time as a Category of Architectural Thought in the 1960s, in: Veronika Rollová – Karolina Jirkalová (eds.), The Future is Hidden in the Present. Architecture and Czech politics 1945–1989, Praha 2021, pp. 192−242.
- Reality and Program. The Living Environment of the Socialist Person (1964–1975), in: Veronika Rollová – Karolina Jirkalová (eds.), The Future is Hidden in the Present. Architecture and Czech politics 1945–1989, Praha 2021, pp. 30−72.
- A Revolution That Did Not Produce a New Space?, in: Veronika Rollová – Karolina Jirkalová (eds.), The Future is Hidden in the Present. Architecture and Czech politics 1945–1989, Praha 2021, pp. 10−28.
- "Today Is a Gift for You, Dedicate Yourselves to Tomorrow!" Prague Castle as a Space of the Transformation of Czechoslovak Society through Education, Technology and Leisure in the 1960s, in: Jasna Galjer – Sanja Lončar (eds.), The Caring State and Architecture: Sites of Education and Culture in Socialist Countries, Zagreb 2021, pp. 177–198.
- The Relationship between the Center and the Periphery: Transformation of Slovakia and Subcarpathian Ruthenia, in: Vendula Hnídková (ed.), A Spirit At Work. Architecture and Czech politics 1918–1945, Praha 2020, pp. 220–265.
- The Army: a Pillar of the State, in: Vendula Hnídková (ed.), A Spirit At Work. Architecture and Czech politics 1918–1945, Praha 2020, pp. 170–219.
- (with Vendula Hnídková and Michaela Janečková) Social Harmony Through Decent Housing, in: Vendula Hnídková (ed.), A Spirit At Work. Architecture and Czech politics 1918–1945, Praha 2020, pp. 458–501.
- Evolution as Continual Development, in: Veronika Rollová – Cyril Říha (eds.), Art and Evolution. A Festschrift for Jindřich Vybíral, Praha 2020, pp. 115–121.
- Evolution as Adaptation to Local Conditions, in: Veronika Rollová – Cyril Říha (eds.), Art and Evolution. A Festschrift for Jindřich Vybíral, Praha 2020, pp. 275–281.
- Christopher Long, The Last Houses / Eseje o Adolfu Loosovi (rec.), Umění/Art LXVIII, 2020, no. 3.
- Ceramic Contacts: The Foundation of the International Symposium of Ceramics in Bechyně, in: Veronika Rollová (ed.), CONTACT. International Symposium of Ceramics Bechyně 1966−2018, Praha 2019, pp. 32–51.
- From Figures to Architecture. Interview with Helena Samohelová, in: Veronika Rollová (ed.), CONTACT. International Symposium of Ceramics Bechyně 1966−2018, Praha 2019, pp. 55–60.
- Symposia Create an International Community. Interview with Jindra Viková, in: Veronika Rollová (ed.), CONTACT. International Symposium of Ceramics Bechyně 1966−2018, Praha 2019, pp. 63–68.
- Interview with Yael Atzmony and Sofie Nørsteng, in: Veronika Rollová (ed.), CONTACT. International Symposium of Ceramics Bechyně 1966−2018, Praha 2019, pp. 71–80.
- Interview with Adam Železný and Katie Sleyman, in: Veronika Rollová (ed.), CONTACT. International Symposium of Ceramics Bechyně 1966−2018, Praha 2019, pp. 99–110.
- The Nation’s Temple, in: Milena Bartlová – Jindřich Vybíral (eds.), Building a State. The Representation of Czechoslovakia in Art, Architecture and Design, Praha 2015, pp. 30–33.
- „Jaroslav Fragner, Prague Castle Modifications (1959–1969)“ and „Miroslav Spurný, Building of the Municipal Committee of the Czechoslovak Communist Party and of the Political Education Center in Brno (1974–1976, Brno)“, in: Milena Bartlová – Jindřich Vybíral (eds.), Building a State. The Representation of Czechoslovakia in Art, Architecture and Design, Praha 2015, pp. 51 and 55.
Education and Career
2013–2017: Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (Ph.D.)
2010–2012: Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (Mgr.)
2006–2010: Charles University in Prague (Bc.)
3rd Umění/Art Journal Young Authors Biennale – honorable mention