Electronic resources
Electronic magazines (for login information please ask the librarian in the study room)
- ČSN online (database of standards)
- Databáze matériO - Library of materials
- Electronic versions (archives) of magazines, Czech and foreign:
Electronic resources available within AAAD building:
- Building Types Online
More information about the database can be found here. - Electronic magazin: Information Design Journal
Electronic resources available via login to the school network:
- EBSCO Art & Architecture Source - Use your login to the AAAD network
- Direct access to the database EBSCO Art & Architecture
Digital library:
- Kramerius UMPRUM (login is required for non-public documents; login details can be obtained at the library)
Free available resources:
- Encyclopedia of a book in the Czech Middle Ages and early modern times
- Information system abART - comprehensive database of Czech and Slovak art available for free, full-version
- Electronic magazine - Dřevařský magazín
- Electronic magazine Glass International