Czech glassmakers won most of the awards at Venice Glass Week


 The participation of Czech glassmakers at the 2021 Venice Design Week was extremely successful. Of the three awards, two won. The Premio Fondazione di Venezia per The Venice Glass Week evaluates the best exhibition, and awarded the prize to the exhibition Czech Glass, Quo Vadis?!. The exhibition includes Klára Horáčková a teacher from the Glass Studio. Vendulka Prchalová, a doctoral student from the Glass studio, won the Autonoma Residency Prize for young artists under the age of 35.

Czech glassmakers won most of the awards at Venice Glass Week


 The comprehensive exhibition Czech Glass, Quo Vadis!?, prepared by curator Marie Gálová, was inspired by the successful exhibition of Czech glass at the 1958 EXPO in Brussels. The selection of artists represents several generations, and monitors and evaluates the progress of Czech glass since the late 1950s. In addition to Klára Horáčková, Vladimíra Klumpar, Zdeněk Lhotský, Jaroslav Róna, Michal Macků, Petr Stanický, Martin Janecký, Michaela Spružinová, Luba Bakičová and Tomáš Krejčí are represented at the exhibition.
The jury was motivated to award the prize due to "the originality of the project, which admirably represented contemporary Czech glass based on sophisticated scientific technologies."

 Student Vendulka Prchalová presented part of her dissertation project with her exhibition Směsi / Mixtures, which focuses on the innovation of materials and processes for the production of molds for glass sculptures. The Autonoma Residency Prize jury praised “innovative development, which combines articulated sculptural methods and 3D technology. The objects in this series are based on a 3D model of a dog: the shapes created are printed in 3D, and then transformed into glass.”

 The award for this magnificent glass exhibition is a great honor not only for the Academy of Arts, Architecture, and Design in Prague, but especially for Czech glassmaking, and to the question "Czech Glass, Quo Vadis!?" we can answer that in the right direction.


Czech Glass, Quo Vadis?!
Klára Horáčková - Purple Microcosm
Klára Horáčková