What is the Ph.D. Programme in English?
The Visual Arts Ph.D. programme is a four-year doctoral degree course in English.
In the doctoral programme in English you can study Architecture, Design, Fine Arts, Applied Arts or Graphics while the emphasis of the studies is on artistic research.
What are the admission requirements for the Ph.D. programme in English?
Requirements for applicants are the following:
- Completed master’s degree
- Prerequisites for independent professional and research work
- Knowledge of the English language (certificate required - certified exam in English at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference)
- The recommended length of artistic experience for applicants to the Visual Arts program is 2-3 years, but is not a requirement
What are the conditions of admission to the Ph.D. programme in English?
Candidates can be nominated for admission to the Ph.D. degre programme in English if they succeed in the admission procedure, which is a two-round process (1st round is conducted without the candidates present and 2nd round is an interview conducted via distance communication tools)
How can I apply for the Ph.D. programme?
When applying for the Ph.D. Programme in Ehglish, your application must contain the following documents:
- CV
- Motivation letter
- Evidence of completed work experience - optional attachment
- Recommendation from a distinguished expert in the field including his/her signature
- Portfolio
- A written conception of the dissertation, i.e., a research and artistic project
- A copy of your university diploma (graduates of master’s studies)
- A copy of your certificate in English language proficiency at B2 level.
- Candidates have the option of attaching to their application the consent of their intended supervisor, with whom the candidate agrees in advance on the topic of the dissertation and the form of its preparation. (This is not a condition for inclusion in the application procedure.)
Interested applicants can apply only by electronic application, the form of which will be available on the UMPRUM Prague website.
For a complete information please consult the announcement of the Call for Applications.
Do I have to come in person to apply?
No, you don’t. The 1st round of admission procedure is conducted without the candidates present and 2nd round is an interview conducted via distance communication tools.
Is there some system of scholarships for Ph.D. students?
There is no system of scholarships for students in doctoral programme in English, however there are two internal grant competitions for Ph.D. students that are designed to support student research projects. You can apply for a grant to carry out projects related to your dissertation research through these internal competitions.
Which degree will I gain?
The degree you will receive is Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy).
How long will I study?
4 years (8 semesters)