Bachelor Programme – Fine Arts
- Specializations: without specializations
- Level of study: Bachelor
- Duration of programme: 2 years
- Mode of study: full-time
- Language of instruction: Czech
- Award to be conferred: Bachelor of Arts (BcA.)
- Programme code: B0213A310011
In the bachelor’s course, emphasis is placed on formation of the personality of the artist and mastery of fundamental artistic procedures and the basic principles of the field of fine art. A dominant role in the bachelor’s program is played by mandatory studio training in which artistic concept is combined with craftsmanship. No less important, however, is the acquisition of a perfect grounding in the history of art and knowledge of the basics of art philosophy. During the course of the educational process, the student learns to plans her/his own artistic growth and test her/his ability to work on both individual and team projects. The course should expand and deepen the knowledge and skills that students have acquired during previous study, especially in secondary art schools, and mold the main features of a strong, independent artistic personality.
Graduates are capable of seeking inventive, conceptually valuable solutions to artistic problems and of processing to a certain extent public orders with sufficient perspective and a formulated outcome. They find application in the fine art or industrial art infrastructure or become involved in gallery exhibition practice, work as artists’ assistants, seek application in various creative teams and, in the event that they have an inclination towards the craft side of the field, they may work in any branch of crafts from stonemasonry, through woodworking and restoration, to film and theater. They also have all the prerequisites for continuing on to a follow-up master’s degree course.
Training is conducted in the following 4 studios: