Experimental Pedagogies – studio projects

Experimental Pedagogies – Studio projects

Experimental Pedagogies – clausura A2

UMPRUM summer semester 21/22

Experimental Pedagogies – studio projects

All schools of architecture today have the opportunity and the responsibility to articulate what our discipline can contribute to the world we live in, and to redefine what the education of an architect both can and should be.


We have started a new era of A2 studio going to the roots of architectural education. In this inaugural semester, we have concentrated on exploring and designing new pedagogical models. We have critically examined educational methods and spaces of the past and analyze them against their political and societal context. From there, we have started a journey for new models for the production and the transmission of knowledge, their architectures and forms of becoming in today’s world.


For UMPRUM Clausura 2022 we launch 20 newly founded institutions that question current models of architecture education and propose new paradigms. Each institution focuses on urgent and uncharted territories including boring bureaucracies, spirituality and mysticism, climate change, digital nomadism, systemic violence, natural wisdom, rurality, political selves, age and knowledge gaps, etc...


In the website experimentalpedagogies.cargo.site you will find a platform that compiles all the 20 different universities, schools, festivals and initiatives that each member of the studio

has produced. We invite you to go on the screens behind you, go online and learn more about each program, and if interested, we encourage you to apply, contact us, and spread the word.