26. 3.-4. 5. 2024
Opening: 26 March 2024 at 6 pm
Hidden Umprum space, Nádraží Holešovice at the entrance to the pedestrian underpass
Students of the Studio of Fine Arts II - Anastázie Ilina, Hana Marhounová, Alex Švígler under the curatorial guidance of Helena Todorova will present themselves in the new Hidden Umprum space at Nádraží Holešovice. Their exhibition Entwined Echoes directly responds to the location around Holešovice Station.
Place is defined as a specific part of space where something/someone can be or where something/someone can belong. The site-specific exhibition entitled Entwined Echoes directly responds to the location around Holešovice Station, which seems to belong nowhere. This transport hub mostly serves as a transition from one place to another, it is perhaps more a non-place than a space where we would like to spend some time. Yet the local community sees this space as a place where they come together, interact and form their social bonds. The first year students of the VUII studio at UMPRUM (Anastasia Ilina, Hana Marhounová and Alex Švígler) decided to directly relate to this location and its internal contradictions. In the trash environment of the station, the absurdity associated with the stereotype of the "privileged" position of art becomes even more apparent. The exhibition Entwined Echoes seeks to reflect and respond to this absurdity and to reflect on how we use, inhabit and perceive the places that surround us.
Helena Todorová
HIDDEN UMPRUM is a collaboration between HIDDEN and the VUII studio at the UMPRUM in Prague.