22. 9. - 2. 10. 2021

opening ceremony 21. 9. 2021 at 6 pm

Culture Centre Nová Cvernovka, Račianska 1575/78, Bratislava, Slovakia

What does housing in the 21st century look like?



The exhibition of the Studio of Architectire IV. presents student projects which create a prototype for today's larger Central European city. The prototype is tested at two different locations - Bratislava and Prague. Similarly, it could be applied to any larger city that faces the issue of a rapid growth.


Students of the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague from the Architecture 4 studio under the guidance of Prof. Mgr. akad. arch. Roman Brychta and Ing. arch. Martin Jančok verify those prototypes in different environments and their ability of adaptation to different context.


Next phase develops a selected part of urbanism in detail - a block / house / apartment unit / shared space.


In last phase prototypes are analysed by doctoral thesis "The Influence of Artificial Intelligence on the Development of Human Settlements" which tries to mathematically describe the characteristics of urban structures. The thesis uses experimental algorithmic analysis which tries to compare prototypes according to their geometric attributes.